Quick post Python functions:
Define a function and call it:
Define a function and call it:
def add(first_num, second_num): sum = first_num + second_num print(sum) >> add(1, 2) 3
Two types of arguments: positional and keyword:
Positional - defined by order of parameters in the method
Keyword - use the parameter name when calling the function
You can forget what order to use when all of your arguments are keyword arguments:
add(second_num = 3, first_num = 1)
But when mixing keyword arguments with positional you need to take care that all keyword arguments are at the end:
add(second_num = 3, 3) SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
In the call below, the first argument of value "1" is taken in as parameter "first_num" based on it's position, so defining it again as keyword Python will give error:
>>> add(1, first_num = 3) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#9>", line 1, in <module> add(1, first_num = 3) TypeError: add() got multiple values for argument 'first_num'
>>> add(2, second_num = 3) 5
Default value:
Set a default value for a parameter in the method definition by using "=" sign.
In this example, the second_num parameter defaults to value of 5.
You can skip passing in second argument and the function will run fine.
>>> def add(first_num, second_num = 5): sum = first_num + second_num print(sum) >>> add(3) 8
If you don't want to use default value of 5, then call the function the usual way.
>>> add(4, 5) 9
If you have many default parameters, you can use keyword to assign a different value to one of them and skip the rest. For example:
>>> def calc(a, b, c = 10, d = 20, e = 30): print(a + b + c + d + e) # skip all default parameters >>> calc(1, 2) 63 #when not using default val of 'e' >>> calc(2, 3, e = 45) 80
Next post: Working with unknown number of parameters
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